2025 Season
Upcoming Events
Taking place via live and online broadcasts, Orquesta Northwest will be partnering with some special guests to bring you the joy of music, culture, and community.

Concierto de San Patricio
Make it stand out
¡Celebra la magia de San Patricio con música en vivo! 🎶 Este 17 de marzo, acompáñanos en el "Concierto de San Patricio" en Trinity Lutheran Church, con el talentoso solista Ricardo de la Torre, la Ballard Civic Orchestra y la increíble Lark Powers como artista invitada. ¡Una tarde llena de emoción y tradición irlandesa que no te puedes perder! 🍀

Las Posadas Concierto 2024
We invite you to celebrate the season with Orchestra Northwest at Town Hall Seattle! Join in the traditional Mexican and Latin American posadas. Baritone Jose Rubio will join us, and talented young musicians from Orquesta Northwest’s World Youth Orchestra will perform, showing the results of their hard work and dedication. Enjoy a program filled with traditional holiday favorites, and make sure to stay for the post-concert fiesta: food, friends, family, and a holiday pinata!

Concierto y Celebración del Día de Muertos
Dia de Muertos Concierto
Revive the memories of loved ones who have passed at Orquesta Northwest's Annual Dia de Muertos Concierto with Paula Madrigal and the Ballard Civic Orchestra featuring Symphony Tacoma Voices, Geoffrey Boers music director. With the captivating artistry of Maria G. Casey, "Concierto y Celebración del Día de Muertos," at Saint James Cathedral will be an event to remember.
Reserve your tickets- https://givebutter.com/DiadeMuertos

Latino Chamber Music Festival
Latino Chamber Music Festival
Join us for the 2nd of two Latino Chamber Music Festival Concerts (music performed by musicians in small groups or ensembles) featuring fantastic musicians and composers from the Pacific Northwest and Latin America. Don’t miss Pianist and composer Miguel del Águila, flutist Tracy Doyle, baritone José Rubio, Piano duo Powers-de la Torre, and more!

Latino Chamber Music Festival
Latino Chamber Music Festival
We invite you to enjoy an evening of chamber music (music performed by musicians in small groups or ensembles) that showcases a variety of styles from musicians and composers from the Pacific Northwest and Latin America. Ballard Civic Orchestra, violinist Manuel Ramos, pianist Carlos Salmerón, Correo Áereo, will all perform for this extraordinary event.

Marya Reyna Soprano Mix
Como agradecimiento y apoyo de toda la gente María Reyna, y para todos los que no alcanzaron boletos para la ultima fecha, María Reyna abre una fecha más Lynwood. María Reyna, extraordinaria y talentosa soprano, María Reyna lleva su región en la voz, del susurro entre las copas de los árboles, hasta el canto de las aves. Actualmente, María Reyna y el maestro Joaquín Garzón conforman el proyecto Opera Mixe “Concepto musical tan ligero como profundo, tan antiguo como nuevo”, creando y recreando no solamente la música mixe original, sino que es enriquecida con fusiones y ensambles de la música clásica, el impresionismo y el jazz.
As a thank you and support for all the people of María Reyna, and for all those who were unable to get tickets for the last date, María Reyna opens Lynwood for one more date. María Reyna, an extraordinary and talented soprano, María Reyna carries her region in her voice, from the rustle in the treetops to the song of the birds. Currently, María Reyna and maestro Joaquín Garzón form the Opera Mixe project ‘Concepto musical tan ligero como profundo, tan antiguo como nuevo’, creating and recreating not only original Mixe music, but enriched with fusions and ensembles of classical music, impressionism and jazz.

Concierto "El Grito" Celebrando el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana
Concert Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month & "El Grito"
Join Orquesta Northwest, the Mexican Consulate in Seattle, and Town Hall Seattle for an unforgettable evening! Together, we will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and El Grito, immersing ourselves in a musical experience that will transport you throughout Latin America. From the most moving melodies of Alex Rose on the piano to the powerful voice of María Reyna, Ambassador of the Original Languages of Mexico, every note will connect you with the rich cultural diversity of our roots. Experience the passion of Joaquín Garzón, the elegance of Los Bailadores Bronce, and the joy of the Trío Guadalevín, all accompanied by the majestic Ballard Civic Orchestra and the unmatched energy of a live Mariachi!
Concierto "El Grito" Celebrando el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana
¡Únete a la Orquesta Northwest el Consulado de México en Seattle y Town Hall Seattle en una velada inolvidable! Celebraremos juntos el Mes de la Herencia Hispana y El Grito, sumergiéndonos en una experiencia musical que te transportará por toda Latinoamérica. Desde las melodías más conmovedoras de Alex Rose al piano hasta la poderosa voz de María Reyna, Embajadora de las Lenguas Originarias de México, cada nota te conectará con la rica diversidad cultural de nuestras raíces. ¡Vive la pasión de Joaquín Garzón, la elegancia de Los Bailadores Bronce y la alegría del Trío Guadalevín, todo acompañado por la majestuosa Ballard Civic Orchestra y la energía inigualable de un Mariachi en vivo!

Final Season Party
Come and celebrate the end of our 2023-2024 artistic season. There will be snacks, music, dancing and lots of friends. We will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Beethoven's Ode to Joy. The World Youth Orchestra and El Mariachi del Noroeste will be in charge of the musical part. We will have the extraordinary Bailadores de Bronce as guest artists! We will be registering for our 2024-2025 summer camp programmes, World Youth Orchestra, Mariachi del Noroeste and Ballard Civic Orchestra. Open to the public, Everyone is welcome!

Inaugural Fundraising Event
Join us for an unforgettable evening as Orquesta Northwest proudly hosts its inaugural fundraising event!
As we mark a decade of breaking barriers and making music accessible to our community, we invite you to celebrate with us. Our journey has been defined by the passion and dedication of our members - musicians, teachers, students, and families - who have propelled us forward.
This year's celebration promises to be a special one!
We'll reminisce on the memories and experiences that have shaped us, while looking ahead to the future.
Your presence and participation will make our event truly exceptional.
Prepare to be enthralled by performances from special guests, highlighting the incredible impact of our programs.
Whether you choose to support us as a sponsor or join in the festivities, your presence will be invaluable.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of something extraordinary.
¡Acompáñanos en esta noche inolvidable para celebrar el
evento inaugural de recaudación de fondos de la Orquesta Northwest!
Este año celebramos una década de romper barreras y hacer que la música sea accesible para nuestra comunidad, es por eso que te invitamos a celebrar con nosotros.
Nuestra trayectoria ha sido guiada por la pasión y dedicación de nuestros miembros: músicos, maestras y maestros, estudiantes y familias, que nos han motivado a seguir hacia adelante.
La celebración de este año es especial.
Recordaremos y reviviremos experiencias y eventos que nos han permitido hacer crecer nuestra comunidad, por eso tu presencia y participación harán que nuestro evento sea verdaderamente excepcional.
Prepárate para ser cautivado por las actuaciones de invitados especiales, destacando el increíble impacto de nuestros programas. Ya sea que elijas apoyarnos como patrocinador o unirte a las festividades, tu presencia siempre será invaluable.
No pierdas esta oportunidad de ser parte de algo extraordinario. Reserva la fecha y únete a nosotros mientras celebramos nuestros logros y fijamos nuestra mirada en nuestras metas para el 2024.

Music of the Americas: Hearts and Homes, Celebrating Spring
Orchestra Northwest presents Ballard Civic Orchestra in its second concert of 2024.
Music of the Americas: Hearts and Homes, Celebrating Spring
We celebrate spring by reaching out to our deepest cultural and musical roots.
On the Spanish side, we will have Spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo's Fantasia para un Gentil Hombre, a piece of music for orchestra and guitar with soloist Mark Wilson.
Our Latin American roots will be represented by Colombian music.
We welcome guest conductor Sebastian Serrano, an outstanding Colombian conductor who is part of the Northwest community. The Colombian dance group "RimaWayNina Cumbe" will showcase their topical dances and costumes.
The event is open to the public at Town Hall Seattle on Friday, May 3rd at 7:30 pm.

Celebrating International Women's Day
Join us for the first event in our 2024 concert series, "Music of the Americas: Hearts and Homes." The Ballard Civic Orchestra, led by conductor Paula Madrigal will perform the monumental first symphony by American composer Amy Beach, as well as an original work entitled "Alegre" by the fantastic Cuban composer Tania Leon. We are also thrilled to have flautistLorin Green join us to perform "Three Philosophies" by Catherine McMichael.
As always, this event is open and accessible to the public.

Los Posadas: Roots & Traditions
Ballard Civic Orchestra
Holiday Music
Concertos with Youth orchestra soloists
Special Guests:
World Youth Orchestra
Singing in the Rain Choir

Dia de Muertos Concert
Join Paula Madrigal and the Ballard Civic Orchestra for Orquesta Northwest’s annual Dia de Muertos Concierto on Thursday, November 2nd at 6pm at the National Nordic Museum in Ballard.

Annual Latino Chamber Music Festival
Bellevue at the First Congregational Church.
Get your tickets for Free here: https://givebutter.com/latinochamberfestival2

Annual Latino Chamber Music Festival
The Chapel at the Good Shepherd Center
Get your tickets for Free here: https://givebutter.com/latinochamberfestival1

Concierto El Grito
Orquesta Northwest, The Consulate of Mexico in Seattle, and Town Hall Seattle are excited to share with you the “El Grito” Ceremony. This highly significant Mexican celebration is held annually and carries immense cultural and historical importance.
“El Grito” is a spirited commemoration of Mexico’s independence and serves as a symbol of Mexican heritage and unity. It takes its name from the famous “Grito de Dolores” (Cry of Dolores), a call to arms that marked the beginning of Mexico’s struggle for independence from Spain in 1810.
As we celebrate 200 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico, the “El Grito” Ceremony signifies the strong bond between our two nations and highlights the rich cultural exchange that has taken place throughout our shared history.
This event showcases the vibrant traditions, music, dances, and flavors of Mexico, offering attendees a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in our diverse culture. It serves as a platform to honor our past, celebrate our present, and embrace our future together.
Orquesta Northwest invites you to join them in creating an unforgettable experience that will contribute to the cultural fabric of Seattle and further promote the importance of the U.S.-Mexico friendship.
Run of Show:
1PM Pre-Show – Floreador (trick-roping performer) and Aztec Dancers CeAtl Tonalli in the Plaza
2PM Official “El Grito” Ceremony and Performance by the Ballard Civic Orchestra in the Wyncote NW Forum, Maria Reyna and Joaquin Garzon.
3PM Post-Show in The Forum with Mariachi music featuring Mariachi Guadalajara, Trio Guadalevin and the Bailadores de Bronce
Tickets are free of charge and families are welcome! To reserve your ticket, please visit:

Cinco de Mayo: Battle of Puebla, Before & Since
Join us for the second event in our “Roots Without Borders'' concert series: “Cinco de Mayo: The Battle of Puebla, Before & Since.” Trio Guadalevin, Bailadores de Bronce, and the Ballard Civic Orchestra collaborate to present a musical representation of La Batalla de Puebla, featuring French and Mexican music, and illuminating the true origins of “Cinco de Mayo.”

Unearthing Our Roots
Orquesta Northwest and Ballard Civic Orchestra are thrilled to open our 2023 “Roots without Borders'' concert & event series! For the first event in the series, “Unearthing our Roots,” the Ballard Civic Orchestra will perform music by Mexican Composers Blas Galindo and Carlos Chavez. Special guests for this event will explore our Iberian roots with Arab Andalucian, Sephardic Jewish and Castilian pieces, such as Lamma Bada Yathatana (Andalusi Arabic, likely 14th century), Ija Mía (Sephardic Jewish, traditional) OR Morenika/Morena Me Llaman (Sephardic Jewish, traditional), and Strela do día Cantiga de Santa Maria #100, (Rey Alfonso X, El Sabio, 13th century), featuring early music artists Guo Ke as well as Gus Denhard, and Antonio Gomez of Trio Guadalavin.
Rounding out the program, treasured Lummi Nation violinist and storyteller Swil Kanim will grace the stage with a much anticipated Seattle performance, and the traditional Aztec dance group CeAtl Tonalli will perform outside the venue before the concert beginning at 1:15, so show up early! Don’t miss this special beginning of our 2023 “Roots Without Borders” event series!
Broadway Performance Hall 1625 Broadway Seattle, WA, 98122
Tickets: https://givebutter.com/kPdFHH
La Orquesta Northwest y la Ballard Civic Orchestra se complacen en inaugurar nuestra serie de conciertos "Roots without Borders". Para el primer evento de la serie, "Unearthing our Roots", la Ballard Civic Orchestra interpretará música de los compositores mexicanos Blas Galindo y Silvestre Revueltas. Con la participación de nuestros buenos amigos Gus Denhard y Antonio Gómez del Trío Guadalevín, el violinista y cuentacuentos de la Nación Lummi Swil Kanim, y danza tradicional azteca, ¡No te pierdas la apertura especial de nuestra serie de eventos 2023!

Dia de Muertos
Join us for our annual Dia de Muertos concert with the Ballard Civic Orchestra and Singing in the Rain Choir, featuring soloists Celeste Camarena, Sari Breznau, and Ballard Civic Orchestra concertmaster Teo Benson. Honor loved ones that have passed by placing a photo center stage on the Altar de Muertos. This concert will also feature the live creation of artwork by Maria G. Casey.
Reserve tickets here: https://givebutter.com/eTozFt
Acompáñanos en nuestro concierto anual del Día de Muertos, con la Ballard Civic Orchestra y el Coro Singing in the Rain, junto con los solistas Celeste Camarena, Sari Breznau y el concertino de la Ballard Civic Orchestra, Teo Benson. Honra a tus seres queridos que han fallecido colocando una foto en el Altar de Muertos que estará en el centro del escenario. Este concierto también contará con la creación de obras de arte en vivo por Maria G. Casey.
Reserva tus tickets aqui: https://givebutter.com/eTozFt

Orquesta Northwest Latino Chamber Music Festival October 15th Concert
Orquesta Northwest presents its annual Fall Latino Chamber Music Festival with two concerts at the Good Shepherd Center in Seattle on Oct. 6 at 7 pm and Oct. 15 at 1 pm.
Selections include a wide range of chamber music and concertos written by Latinx, Latin American, and Spanish composers, performed by the Ballard Civic Orchestra and friends from around the Puget Sound region, including the winners from Orquesta Northwest's Festival Call for Performers.
Free admission.
Tickets: https://givebutter.com/h9ZFDf

Orquesta Northwest Latino Chamber Music Festival October 6th Concert
Orquesta Northwest presents its annual Fall Latino Chamber Music Festival with two concerts at the Good Shepherd Center in Seattle on Oct. 6 at 7 pm and Oct. 15 at 1 pm.
Selections include a wide range of chamber music and concertos written by Latinx, Latin American, and Spanish composers, performed by the Ballard Civic Orchestra and friends from around the Puget Sound region, including the winners from Orquesta Northwest's Festival Call for Performers.
Free admission.
Tickets: https://givebutter.com/oJ7IRj

"El Grito" Concert
In commemoration of 200 years of Mexico-US diplomatic relations and Mexico's Independence Day, Orquesta Northwest artistic director Paula Madrigal will conduct the Ballard Civic Orchestra as they perform some of Mexico's most emblematic classical music in the beautiful surroundings of the Seattle Nordic National Museum. The concert will feature the traditional “El Grito” Ceremony, as well as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the folklorico dance group Bailadores de Bronce. This concert will also feature Edmundo Romero, principal trumpet of the National Symphony of Mexico, Trío Guadalevín, Mariachi Guadalajara and more.
For your health, the use of masks is recommended but not required at the concert. This event is free and family friendly. Do not miss it!
This event is free to the public, donations are welcome and completely optional.
Reserve Tickets: https://givebutter.com/elgrito2022

Orquesta Northwest Presents: Frida
On June 12th, at the Langston Hughes Performing Arts Institute, Orquesta Northwest will present Frida, a Latino arts and culture concert, celebrating Latinx Essential Workers and featuring the Ballard Civic Orchestra with Paula Madrigal conducting. Frida is a colorful and dramatic modern opera about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo, by Robert Xavier Rodriguez, an American composer with Mexican roots. The Ballard Civic Orchestra will be performing the concert suite from the opera.
The June 12th event has two special guest artists. In her role as soprano for the Frida opera suite, Hanna Socorro, Filipino-American soprano and dynamic stage actress, will display a voice with a dark and honeyed quality that conveys both strength and tenderness. As Ballard Civic Orchestra’s special guest artist, Mirta Wymerszberg, an accomplished flutist, bandoneon player, vocalist, and native of Buenos Aires, will contribute her extensive experience in authentic music from Argentina where she received her education and performed. Ariel Pirotti will be featured on piano.
In addition, Orquesta Northwest will introduce its newest educational and performance project: Orquesta Escuela de Tango. Several of our most advanced World Youth Orchestra members have already been learning the intriguing tango style of music.
Tickets are free, but due to limited space, we recommend you reserve them ahead of time here: https://givebutter.com/onw2022frida
We hope you can join us for a wonderful afternoon of opera and tango!
Artists at the Center
A Chamber Orchestra Family Concert
Orquesta Northwest presents:
Paula Madrigal Conducting the Ballard Civic Orchestra in a performance with an educational approach dedicated to Latinx essential worker families of Seattle. This concert features repertoire from Latin America and around the world. Families will have the opportunity to meet the instruments from the classical orchestra through the works of the great Latin American composers in history.
Artists At the Center is a multi-year collaboration between Seattle Office of Arts & Culture and Seattle Center, with support from Uptown Arts & Culture Coalition and the communities adjacent to Seattle Center campus. The project is made possible by a 10-year grant from Climate Pledge Arena and Seattle Kraken.
Join us as we introduce emerging and established artists and celebrate their talent on a newly revitalized Seattle Center campus. Artists are given a performance opportunity, allowing them to connect with new audiences, display their talents and advance their careers. Visitors to campus and the surrounding neighborhood benefit from surprising and delightful pop-up performances throughout the year. Each year, artists are selected through an open application process with an equity and social justice lens, ensuring equitable representation for underserved and emerging artists. Artistic genres include music, dance, theater, cultural demonstrations, and multi-disciplinary work.

International Women's Day: Honoring Latina Essential Workers featuring Daniela Liebman
Commemorating International Women’s Day

Posada Navideña - Online Concert
Let us make you feel at home by bringing back the warm memories of loved ones during this holiday season with a live Posada between the musicians and the audience. Hold your candle and sing traditional lyrics, before enjoying a concert filled with holiday music performed by the Ballard Civic Orchestra, featuring members of the World Youth Orchestra, with Paula Madrigal conducting.
Orquesta Northwest is looking for orchestral instruments that are in good condition for our youth orchestra: The World Youth Orchestra. If you have an instrument that you would like to donate, please bring the instrument to the concert, and we will give it to a young aspiring immigrant or refugee musician.